Here some art of ziggy I've done recently. I made him around 2016 or 2017 and I uploaded him on thin 2018. He was one of the sketches that I like, but at the time I wasn't as good at drawing.

I think around 2018 I started to draw him more. I didn't really count him as one of my so as before, but when I started to draw him again.
Besides that, he's probably my favorite of my old designs. But, I also updated his look a bit. With the light overhaul of his design.
Before, he's designed as a random direwolf oc.But, later I decided to make him my first god oc, but I did stop drawing him after a month when I did that. I want to say in the middle of the pandemic, I've stayed to draw him again. Sometimes with Asher.

Besides that, I've wanted to make a new blog post so here you go. Good news, I got the jab. Still a bit tired from it, but at least im good 👍. And the new battlefield look good.

That's it... That's all.
From me to you