Divine classification: titan
Species: Dire Wolf/ Shark
Gender: Male
Height (full): 130 feet
Weight (full): 11,027lb
Height (Small): 15 feet
Weight (small): 1,272lb
Alignments: Chaotic Neutral

Atlantic is a colossal titan, standing at a towering height of 130 feet. As one of the kings of the ocean, He is well respected among the gods, titans, and other celestials. Atlantic is a no-nonsense creature who values discipline and order above all else. He expects those around him to follow his lead and adhere to his strict set of rules and standards. even with his brother Raz.

Despite his tough exterior, Atlantic does have a softer side that he only shows to those he trusts implicitly. He is capable of great kindness and generosity towards those he deems worthy.
Despite his intimidating appearance, Atlantic is a creature of odder and what's best for his kingdom. While he may sometimes ally himself with others, it is only because they happen to align with his interests at the moment. even though He is a creature of many words, he prefers to let his actions speak for him.
He can be somewhat stoic and reserved, preferring to keep his emotions in check rather than wear them on his sleeve. Atlantic is fiercely protective of those he cares about and his kingdom. He will go to great lengths to ensure their safety. He sees it as his duty to protect the weak and vulnerable from harm.

He also has a strong sense of justice and believes in punishing wrongdoers swiftly and harshly if necessary.
Physical Description
Atlantic is a blue and gray dire wolf shark hybrid with blueish-silver horns and a dark blueish-gray main, with deep blue eyes that same hypnotizing properties to them. It seems that he has some control over it. He has some markings on his main, most noticeable is the anchor marking on his hip.
paws, claws, and maw
Atlantic could use his powerful jaws and sharp teeth to deliver devastating bites to his opponents. He could also use his jaws to grip his enemies and tear their flesh apart. He has a forked tung that can overpower people who are much smaller than him. His sharp claws could be used to cut into his opponents, slicing through flesh and causing severe wounds as well as metal like titanium and steel that can retract if needed. Also, his paw are powerful. He can crash most things in his paws.

His fur is unusually thick and can provide insulation in cold environments, which makes him well-suited to survive in harsh conditions. Also, His thick fur could provide a degree of natural armor, making him more resistant to attacks. Despite that he is a celestial, he's immortal.
Properly stern and formal. He tries not to sware like a sailor. to him, it's not apparent. But, if he's in combat he's formal drops the formal and state to the point.
Atlantic emits a low growling sound when he is angry or agitated, which can be heard from miles away. The sound serves as a warning to others to stay away, as he is not to be trifled with. Also, Atlantic's low growling sound could be used as an intimidation tactic, causing his opponents to hesitate and giving him an opening to strike. If hes under water, the sound travels further than in the air.

Just to keep his kingdom safe....
Given his agility and speed, Atlantic could also employ hit-and-run tactics to pester and disorient his enemies, darting in to deliver quick strikes and then quickly retreating to avoid counterattacks. But, hes not as fast on land. But, Atlantic could also use his size and strength to his advantage, using his weight to knock over opponents and overpower them with brute force. He'll sometimes use his horns to hit harder when he needs to. he's petty wall verst at "hand to hand" combat and uses his tail to hit or trip people.

When fighting in water, Atlantic could use his shark-like tail to propel himself forward at great speed and slam into his opponents with incredible force. Even his ram with its horns will be amplified under the water. He also has the ability to control water and ice.
He also uses his weapon of choice Sea-Spletter, an axe that's in the shape of an anchor. It's as sharp as his claws and he can hook objects and people and pull them to him if he needs it to.